Advent Again – Day 3

What are you waiting for?

from “I Am Waiting” by Lawrence Ferlinghetti

I am waiting for the Great Divide to be crossed

and I am anxiously waiting

for the secret of eternal life to be discovered

by an obscure general practitioner

and I am waiting

for the storms of life

to be over

and I am waiting

to set sail for happiness

and I am waiting

for a reconstructed Mayflower

to reach America

with its picture story and tv rights

sold in advance to the natives

and I am waiting

for the lost music to sound again

in the Lost Continent

in a new rebirth of wonder


I am waiting for the day

that maketh all things clear

and I am awaiting retribution

for what America did

to Tom Sawyer

and I am waiting

for Alice in Wonderland

to retransmit to me

her total dream of innocence

and I am waiting

for Childe Roland to come

to the final darkest tower

and I am waiting

for Aphrodite

to grow live arms

at a final disarmament conference

in a new rebirth of wonder


I am waiting

to get some intimations

of immortality

by recollecting my early childhood

and I am waiting

for the green mornings to come again

youth’s dumb green fields come back again

and I am waiting

for some strains of unpremeditated art

to shake my typewriter


“La Clairvoyance” by René Magritte


and I am waiting to write

the great indelible poem

and I am waiting

for the last long careless rapture

and I am perpetually waiting

for the fleeing lovers on the Grecian Urn

to catch each other up at last

and embrace

and I am awaiting

perpetually and forever

a renaissance of wonder

Miss Vera Speaks


They ask how she grin through that face with that life.

I say I’s never shielded from nothing

‘Cept dying young.


People deep bruised by something

Talk like the world should end.

Won’t catch me dying every day like that.


‘Cause I seen them once

Just once – the cracks in the universe –

Thought I’d fall right through.


‘Stead I laughed – said some kind of God

Put up with a tattered-old place as here

Gotta have some grace for me.


– Jenn Cavanaugh

originally published in America, August 13, 2007
